The future is now. Here I am, in this glorious tomorrow land, the time and place where I wanted to put myself, no longer a slave to some vast Big Brother corporation, working towards achieving my goals, not without money and basic needs, happily married, about to start a job tutoring people on what I love to do, in graduate school...
This week, between me leaving, professionally and quietly, the company I have served for so many years, and starting my second semester of grad school and my new job, I am going to do what I have worked towards for so long. I am going to finish my book, and I am going to enter it into the Amazon Breakthrough Writer's Contest.
This week, is devoted to my book, this week, I am a full-time, professional writer, working towards getting my writing out to a waiting public. I will finish this book, putting on the final touches, and a roughly six year journey will finally be over. I will have finally reached my goal of merely finishing it, which is an accomplishment within itself, without even thinking of getting published.
Hopefully this competition will bring me the recognition I desire, get me a publishing contract with a small advance, and I will be able to market my book like a madman. I will put as much money into as I can afford (probably from the advance, if I get one), as much time as I can afford into it, as I continue on in grad school and tutoring and working on finishing all these short stories and really starting on my next novel, Born in 1984.
Okay, so here it goes. I am halfway through editing this final working draft, and, hopefully, I can make significant progress today so I can make these changes on the file and print the final draft and proofread the shit out of it. I want to make it as polished and professional as I am capable of making it.
Boy, how I am going to CELEBRATE when I am done!
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