My name is Mud. And I have written a book. Now I am in the process of trying to force myself to edit it, and the eight short stories I have to finish. Just sitting there. On my desktop. Beckoning to me.
I SHOULD finish them. I CAN finish them. I just don't. Upwards of five of those stories just need edited or proofread. The other three I could easily finish. Jesus, I have poems too. And two more book ideas, and at least two or three novellas, not to mention a thesis, class papers, and in the somewhat more distant future a dissertation? Fuck me! I have shit to write! It ain't gonna write isself, yo...!
Damn straight it ain't. Hellz yeauuhhhh!!! Dickweed! What's up? I am like tote's writing right now even! That's ridiculous. I should just finish it all so I can move on to the next thing. That would be logical. Yes it would.
Sorry, I will stop talking to myself now.
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