Can't spend any money right now, but, hopefully, as the summer progresses, I can put some money into marketing, buy several copies, send them out to some local media, do readings or something and selling copies... Whatever I can do to get the word out.
Here is the updated information about my book, including links to the main places where it can be found:
Price: $7.99 paperback; $4.99 e-book
Create Space eStore
Kindle Store
ISBN-13: 978-1482787474
ISBN-10: 1482787474
BISAC Category: Fiction/Short Story
Whether it's working at a McDonald's and playing in a band in "Greasy", mugging people to pay a violent drug dealer in "Survival", or accidentally starting the Zombie Apocalypse in "The Bananamen Prophecy", Tales from the Fringes finds people struggling through a variety of situations, with mixed results. Mainly set in the Midwest, these stories capture the essence of what it's like to live on the fringes, where money is hard to come by and people are more often than not completely invisible to the outside world.
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