Distractions are great, but
our problems are greater.
We attempt to escape from
them, but they are right
around the corner, always
on our scent, on our trail,
just waiting for an opportunity
to pounce on us and
bring us down, begging.
We attempt to make ourselves
oblivious. We care about things
just so they will mentally lift us
out of harm's way--even though
it is only in our minds and our
problems are still ever present,
haunting us, giving us that
tightening in our chests.
We are out of breath, lost in
romances of endless races
and places that are as they
seem on the surface.
Maybe if we follow far enough
into these fantasies we will
finally escape, but we haven't yet.
Maybe we just have to keep
trying, to keep pushing, to keep
moving forward, but it is all more
in our heads that we realize.
Society, culture, religion... It is all
there to fill our time while we are
on this dusty rock--whatever
it is, whoever we are.
Maybe these things aren't
distractions, after all.
Maybe they are lenses
from which we view the world,
and no one is any more
right or wrong than any other.
For as much as we are
sure of, we are unsure.
For as much as we
know, we don't know.
Can it ever be
other than that?
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